We’ve created a simple Python microservice using Flask in Part 1. Using that as a starting point, let’s take a quick side-trip through input validation before we deploy the whole thing on Kubernetes.
Code for this can be found on GitHub. Or you can use this template as a starting point.
Input validation
We don’t have any validation yet, so let’s add that in. We want to have a 400 error of some sort, so let’s write a test for it:
# src/tests/app/test_validation.py
def test_hello_requires_greetee(client):
request_payload = {}
response = client.post("/hello", json=request_payload)
result = response.get_json()
assert response.status_code == 400
assert result is not None
assert "message" in result
assert "is a required property" in result['message'][0]
This test doesn’t pass yet. In our case, we’re using json, and there are many ways input can go wrong—missing keys, bad types, weird structure. So let’s come up with a json schema to validate our greeting input. The flask extension flask_input can validate incoming json against the python jsonschema library.
This comes from the suggestions on validating API errors:
# /src/app/invalid_usage.py
class InvalidUsage(Exception):
status_code = 400
def __init__(self, message, status_code=None, payload=None):
self.message = message
if status_code is not None:
self.status_code = status_code
self.payload = payload
def to_dict(self):
rv = dict(self.payload or ())
rv['message'] = self.message
return rv
Then let’s register an error handler in main.py
# src/app/main.py
def handle_invalid_usage(error):
response = jsonify(error.to_dict())
response.status_code = error.status_code
return response
Then rewrite our hello-handler to validate the input
# src/app/main.py
@app.route("/hello", methods=['POST'])
def hello() -> str:
errors = validate_greeting(request)
if errors is not None:
raise InvalidUsage(errors)
greetee = request.json.get("greetee", None)
response = {"message": say_hello_to(greetee)}
return jsonify(response)
You’ll see that 400 errors can be created by raising an InvalidUsage exception, which is processed by our handler.
Flask_inputs is a bit behind in maintenance—I get some Deprecation warnings when I run it:
C:\Users\MikeBridge\venv\pythondemo\lib\site-packages\flask_inputs\inputs.py:37: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working
elif isinstance(input, collections.Iterable):
Ugh. Let’s get rid of the deprecation warning:
python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning -m pytest -s
Lastly, let’s implement the validation. Have a look at this and this for more information on how the json schema works:
# src/app/validation.py
from flask_inputs import Inputs
from flask_inputs.validators import JsonSchema
# https://pythonhosted.org/Flask-Inputs/#module-flask_inputs
# https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/
# we want an object containing a required greetee string value
greeting_schema = {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'greetee': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['greetee']
class GreetingInputs(Inputs):
json = [JsonSchema(schema=greeting_schema)]
def validate_greeting(request):
inputs = GreetingInputs(request)
if inputs.validate():
return None
return inputs.errors
You could make this more succinct by triggering the validation as a method decorator,
but I think it’s easier to unit test if it’s more explicit. Let’s test our schema out
by creating a valid request via the fixture create_valid_greeting_request
then altering it in various ways to test different inputs:
# src/app/tests/conftest.py
import pytest
from app import main
# ...
def create_valid_greeting_request():
Helper function for creating a correctly-structured
json request
def _create_valid_greeting_request(greetee="fixture"):
return {
"greetee": greetee
return _create_valid_greeting_request
# src/tests/app/test_validation.py
import pytest
from flask import Flask, request
from app.validation import validate_greeting
app = Flask(__name__)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("params", [
{"greetee": 1},
{"greetee": ["array"]}
def test_invalid_types_are_rejected(params, create_valid_greeting_request):
json_input = create_valid_greeting_request(**params)
with app.test_request_context('/', json=json_input):
errors = validate_greeting(request)
assert errors is not None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("required_parm_name", ["greetee"])
def test_missing_required_params_is_rejected(required_parm_name, create_valid_greeting_request):
json_input = create_valid_greeting_request()
del json_input[required_parm_name]
with app.test_request_context('/', json=json_input):
errors = validate_greeting(request)
assert errors is not None
def test_valid_greetee_is_accepted(create_valid_greeting_request):
json_input = create_valid_greeting_request(greetee="Tester")
with app.test_request_context('/', json=json_input):
errors = validate_greeting(request)
assert errors is None
Our flask app is pretty much done at this point. Next, let’s dockerize it and ship it via Kubernetes.